Identify the places shown in the next pictures of Tudor London | |
View of London by J.C. Visscher, from Londinum Florentiss[i]ma Britanniae Urbs, 1616 The Guildhall Library, Corporation of London | London in 1616 by Claes Van Visscher The Guildhall Library, Corporation of London |
After reading the website below, fill in the gaps in the following text about Tudor London . | |
Tudor London can be described as a prosperous, bustling city during the Tudor dynasty. In fact, the population increased from 75,000 inhabitants with Henry VII to 200,000 at the end of the 16th century.
The Tudor monarchs had a royal residence in London called Whitehall Palaceand and another in the countryside,called Hampton court, after Cardinal Wolseygave gave it to Henry VIII.These Tudor kings and queens used what are now famous parks , such as Hyde Park or St. James's Park, as Royal hunting forests.
Not many Tudor buildings survive today, mostly because of The Great Fire, which happened in1666. Besides, , the 13 religious houses in London were converted for private use or pulled down for building materials after the Dissolution of the monasteries, which was Henry VIII's most decisive step against the power of the church in 1538. First the small, less powerful houses had their property confiscated and their buildings blighted (made unsuitable for use). They were followed the next year by the large houses.
Philosophical concepts of the power of the king over church may have played a part in Henry's decision to suppress the monasteries, but so did greed. The monasteries were rich, and a lot of that wealth found its way directly or indirectly to the royal treasury. Some of the monastery buildings were sold to wealthy gentry for use as country estates. Many others became sources of cheap building materials for local inhabitants. One of the results of the Dissolution of the Monasteries is that those who bought the old monastic lands were inclined to support Henry in his break with Rome, purely from self interest.
Apart from that, the theatres were banned from the city by _____the city authorities or guilds because plays wasted workmen's time ( so it wasn't for religious objection to the play'scontents ).. Then, they were built in the Southwark, where now a reconstruction of the Globe can be visited to learn about Tudor theatre.
At that time, London's financial rival was the city of Amsterdam, and to be able to compete with it , the international exchange was created in 1566.
So, all in all, and because of many other events and facts, we can say that both London and England were powerful.
Dinsdag 28 April 2015
3. Entra en una d'elles i explica la informació més significativa que conté: qui l'ha creat i qui la dirigeix, objectius, ubicació, etc.
- Web:
- Qui l'ha creat?
- El Departament d'Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya
- Orientat i desenvolupatper a l'alumnat, les famílies i al professorat de les escoles de Catalunya per ensenyar, aprendre i tenir eines d'ensenyament interactives i diferents a les de l'aula teòrica.
- Orígens:
- Històricament, l’edu365 va ser creat com un portal per proporcionar a l’alumnat recursos curriculars de totes les àrees de manera que poguessin tenir accés a ells des de qualsevol lloc amb accés a Internet. Es van anar creant miniunitats didàctiques, recursos i aplicacions per a gairebé totes les àrees. Així mateix, també es van integrar aquelles activitats fetes amb aplicacions pròpies com el JClic i recursos externs de tercers amb prou qualitat com per aparèixer a l’edu365.
- Web:
- Qui l'ha creat?
- El Departament d'Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya
- Orientat i desenvolupatper a l'alumnat, les famílies i al professorat de les escoles de Catalunya per ensenyar, aprendre i tenir eines d'ensenyament interactives i diferents a les de l'aula teòrica.
- Orígens:
- Històricament, l’edu365 va ser creat com un portal per proporcionar a l’alumnat recursos curriculars de totes les àrees de manera que poguessin tenir accés a ells des de qualsevol lloc amb accés a Internet. Es van anar creant miniunitats didàctiques, recursos i aplicacions per a gairebé totes les àrees. Així mateix, també es van integrar aquelles activitats fetes amb aplicacions pròpies com el JClic i recursos externs de tercers amb prou qualitat com per aparèixer a l’edu365.
Dinsdag 21 April 2015
What is
known as the Web?
The WWW (World Wide Web Acronym
English, Spider worldwide) is a network or web pages written in hypertext
markup language using HTML and interconnected by links, so that they form one
body of knowledge which can easily navigate. To access a Web browser is indispensable.
It was created by Tim Berners-Lee while working at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.
He directs the W3C, the body responsible for maintaining its operation.
What means
that a website is accessible?
Web accessibility refers
to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or
access to websites, by people with disabilities. When sites are correctly designed, developed and
edited, all users have equal access to information and functionality
A que es dedica el W3C?
The World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. Led by Web
inventor Tim Berners-Lee and CEO Jeffrey Jaffe, W3C's mission is to lead the Web to its full
potential. Contact W3C for more information.
A que es dedica
W3Schools is
a web developer information website, with tutorials and references relating to
web development topics such asHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and JQuery. The site provides a reference manual covering many aspects
of web programming.
Per a que serveixen els standard Web?
W3C standards define
an Open Web Platform for
application development that has the unprecedented potential to enable
developers to build rich interactive experiences, powered by vast data stores,
that are available on any device.
Dinsdag 14 April 2015
1) Busca informació a
Internet i respon les qüestions següents: a. Per a
què servei el protocol TCP/IP? El Protocol de Control de Transmissió (TCP)
permet a dos amfitrions establir una connexió i intercanviar dades. El TCP
garanteix el lliurament de dades, és a dir, que les dades no es perdin durant
la transmissió i també garanteix que els paquets siguin lliurats en el mateix
ordre en el qual van ser enviats. El Protocol d'Internet (IP) utilitza adreces
que són sèries de quatre nombres amb un format de punt decimal. b.
El protocol TCP, és maquinari o programari? És programari. c. Resumeix
breument. Conjunt de regles establertes en la transmissió d'informació entre
ordinadors que garanteixen que les dades seran transferides sense errors i en
el mateix ordre en què van ser transmeses. d. Hi ha altres protocols, a més del
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